2005-07-23 21:09:32 UTC
I have vacillated between Cubase SX and FL Studio for a good long
while now and would be interested to hear people chime in.
Fl Studio's primary advantage as far as I can see is: HUGE piano roll,
really easy to use, and pattern sequencer (Playlist) that makes
banging together songs such a breeze.
However, it has one massive disadvantage over Cubase, unless I'm wrong
and someone wants to clear it up for me:
Where Cubase (THE VST sequencer after all, they invented it) has the
ability to send multiple channels to a single instance of an
instrument (like yer sampler fer chrissakes), FL does not. You'd need
a separate instance of the sampler for each sound you want to use,
instead of assigning multiple MIDI channles (and sets of notation) to
the different channels in the sampler. This sucks up RAM and CPU like
a mother - the GUI fior Kontakt alone seems to take a big bite. You
cannot in fact "send" a MIDi channel to an instrument in FL at all -
they are one and the same.
I cannot think why FL chose to set themselves up that way - legal
issues? I will at this point never give up on Cubase - I need a DAW I
can grow into, after all I am still new at this and haven't gotten
fixated on anything yet. It is nowhere near as quick to learn as FL,
but can do so much more, and has numerous things built in (some of the
effects and synths) that are absolutely brilliant. But FL gives you
the ability to literally open it and start making a song without
having to have an encyclopedic knowledge.
I guess the answer could be "use both". But I am and always will want
to work with the MINIMAL setup possible to achieve the results I want
(more on this in more posts), and switching between DAWs doesn't
strike me as doing that.
Please, no flamewars to be started over this - I know and respect that
people get quite emotional about their chosen DAW, I've seen it in
KVRaudio. This is just my personal hang-up and cross to bear, and
anyone who wants to write here about it is welcome.
while now and would be interested to hear people chime in.
Fl Studio's primary advantage as far as I can see is: HUGE piano roll,
really easy to use, and pattern sequencer (Playlist) that makes
banging together songs such a breeze.
However, it has one massive disadvantage over Cubase, unless I'm wrong
and someone wants to clear it up for me:
Where Cubase (THE VST sequencer after all, they invented it) has the
ability to send multiple channels to a single instance of an
instrument (like yer sampler fer chrissakes), FL does not. You'd need
a separate instance of the sampler for each sound you want to use,
instead of assigning multiple MIDI channles (and sets of notation) to
the different channels in the sampler. This sucks up RAM and CPU like
a mother - the GUI fior Kontakt alone seems to take a big bite. You
cannot in fact "send" a MIDi channel to an instrument in FL at all -
they are one and the same.
I cannot think why FL chose to set themselves up that way - legal
issues? I will at this point never give up on Cubase - I need a DAW I
can grow into, after all I am still new at this and haven't gotten
fixated on anything yet. It is nowhere near as quick to learn as FL,
but can do so much more, and has numerous things built in (some of the
effects and synths) that are absolutely brilliant. But FL gives you
the ability to literally open it and start making a song without
having to have an encyclopedic knowledge.
I guess the answer could be "use both". But I am and always will want
to work with the MINIMAL setup possible to achieve the results I want
(more on this in more posts), and switching between DAWs doesn't
strike me as doing that.
Please, no flamewars to be started over this - I know and respect that
people get quite emotional about their chosen DAW, I've seen it in
KVRaudio. This is just my personal hang-up and cross to bear, and
anyone who wants to write here about it is welcome.